Apple 苹果产品打折一般不多,通过 shopping portal 拿到多倍返现是很好的折扣了。

2019 年 12 月 9 日,通过美国航空 AA、美联航 UA、阿拉斯加航空 Alaska 的 portal 买苹果产品都有很好的活动。

根据 terms,一些热门产品是没有返现的(实际有时候给,有时候不给)

Rewards are issued by this site, not Apple. Products not eligible for rewards are 16-inch MacBook Pro, AirPods Pro, gift cards, gift wrap, Bose products, Apple Developer Programs and shipping. Orders purchased on the Government or Military and Veteran’s Stores are not eligible for additional rewards.

买 iPhone 是可以有返现的,很适合买 iPhone 11,真是早买早享受,晚买有折扣啊。

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