【2019.3 更新】幾周後,終於收到查詢回復


注意這封郵件只能打開一次,再打開會顯示 expire,需要重新申請一次鏈接。


We are in receipt of your inquiry regarding whether your personal data was involved in the recent Starwood Guest Reservation Database security incident.

Based on the information you provided to us, we believe that your information was involved.

Following our analysis, we believe that the following information about you was involved in the incident:

* Name
* Birthdate
* Birthday (Month and Day Only)
* Address Information
* Primary Email Address
* Primary Phone Number
* Other Phone Information
* Unencrypted Passport Number
* Encrypted Passport Number
* Passport Issuing Country
* Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) Number
* Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) Loyalty Status and Balances
* Guest Frequent Traveler Program Information
* Starwood Executive Traveler Number
* Guest Opt-In Preferences
* Email Communication Preferences
* Reservation Details
* Flight Information
* Central Starwood Unique Record Locator
* Registered Online Customer Indicator (Y/N)
* Returning Guest Indicator (Y/N)
* Employed at Starwood (Y/N)
* Record History Information

Where available in your country/region, Marriott is offering affected guests the opportunity to enroll in a personal information monitoring service free of charge for one year. More information about this service can be found at info.starwoodhotels.com.

If you have further questions or requests regarding this information, please contact us through this portal. You will continue to have access to this request for the next 30 days.

Thank you.

Marriott Privacy Center

【2019.2 更新】可以查詢自己的信息是否被泄漏,但你打算查么?




  • 首先這個網站不是萬豪官網,而是合作的 onetrust 公司,是否靠譜大家並不清楚
  • 填表之後並不會立刻有回復,而是 “we will review your request and contact you shortly”
  • 表格里有問很多的信息,比如護照號碼的後 6 位,是不是問的太多了


「I』m guessing this company paid Marriott to do this service so that they can curate your data and sell it. There is zero reason why Marriott can』t provide this service simply via your membership number. Providing all your personal info clearly is because this company has no access to your data but by you providing it you』re giving them free info and who knows how accurate it even is.」

不管怎樣,萬豪這次泄露事件的處理並沒有很負責任的表現,泄露幾年以後才公布,公布之後也是一拖再拖,哎,不知道該吐槽渣 IT 還是渣態度了。

【2019.1 更新】2 千萬用戶護照信息泄漏


25.5 million 護照號碼被泄漏,其中 5.25 million 是沒有加密的…

8.6 million 用戶的護照信息被泄漏

2018 年末 Starwood 預定數據庫已經被停用

【2018.11 更新】

周五,萬豪又搞了個大新聞,公布喜達屋賓客預訂數據庫數據被盜,多達 5 億的用戶信息泄漏。

「自 2014 年起,喜達屋酒店數據庫受到攻擊,曾在喜達屋酒店預訂的最多約 5 億名客人的信息被泄露,約有 3.27 億人的信息包括如下信息的組合:姓名、郵寄地址、電話號碼、電子郵件地址、護照號碼、SPG 俱樂部賬戶信息、出生日期、性別、到達與離開信息、預訂日期和通信偏好。對於某些客人而言,信息還包括支付卡號和支付卡有效期。」

這是史上最大的信息泄漏事件之一,可與之相比的只有 2017 年爆出的雅虎 30 億用戶信息泄漏了。


目前萬豪已經向政府彙報了泄露事件,並稱將儘力減小泄露帶來的影響,用戶也可以免費獲得一年 WebWatcher 使用權,幫助幫助檢測個人信息是否泄露,並建立專門的網頁通報事情進展info.starwoodhotels.com


  • 時常檢查各個賬戶是否有異常(不僅是萬豪)
  • 其他網站如果有和喜達屋同樣密碼的,儘快修改
  • 平時定時修改密碼,不使用過於簡單的密碼


– 喜達屋真的有 5 億用戶嗎?

– 網站只有兩種,知道自己數據庫被盜的,和還不知道的

– 好吧,全世界都知道我睡 feature-free 房間了

– 現在誰不是在裸奔啊?

– 國內開房查華住,國外查萬豪,全了。。


最後,八個卦來圍觀下萬豪 CIO 的簡歷,原來背景竟然是 Sales & Marketing 好吧。。。

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