

提供 visitor pass 的機場:底特律 / 匹茲堡 / 坦帕 / 西雅圖

其實在 9/11 之前,美國機場的安檢比現在松很多,不需要機票可以過安檢,接機也可以直接在登機口來接(是不是難以想像),9/11 之後才改了政策。

2019 年,有幾家機場開始逐漸鬆動了政策,允許申請 visitor pass 在沒有登機牌的情況下過安檢,進入航站樓,本意是為了促進機場內商家的生意,不過大家都拿來送家人朋友用了。


如何申請 visitor pass

西雅圖機場 Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, SEA Visitor Pass


匹茲堡機場 Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT)

底特律機場 Detroit Metropolitan Wayne Country Airport, DTW Destination Pass

坦帕機場 Tampa International Airport (TPA)


其他機場怎麼辦呢?其實可以和航空公司申請 gate pass 或者叫做 escort pass。

在機場 checkin 的時候,帶上自己的 ID,可以跟櫃檯直接申請,由航空公司來判斷是否給 pass。

Alaska Airlines gate pass 政策


AS 官網鏈接>>

If you prefer to have a family member escort you to and from your departure/arrival gate, please remember the following policies:

  • One or two adults, plus any children under age 13, will be allowed through the security checkpoint.
  • Each non-traveling person must obtain a security pass from the ticket counter in order to be allowed access through the security checkpoint.
  • Due to additional airport security, persons should allow up to two hours to obtain a security pass.
  • Security passes may not be available when traveling to/from Canada and Mexico due to customs and immigration requirements or for evening arrivals after the airport’s security checkpoint has closed.

American Airlines gate pass 政策


AA 官網鏈接>>

To escort people to their gate

  • Air carrier authorization forms for escorting people (minors, the elderly, etc.) through security are available at the airport ticket counter.

Delta Air Lines gate pass 政策


Delta 官網鏈接>>

Individuals who are not ticketed for travel but need to provide assistance to a customer are allowed past security checkpoints. They must check-in at the ticket counter to receive a pass that allows them through security without a ticket.

United Airlines gate pass 政策


UA 官網鏈接>>

When you』re checking in at the counter, you can get a gate pass that allows you to go through security and to the gate with your child. When you get to the gate, introduce yourself to the United representative at the desk and tell them that your child will be traveling alone. Then, you can have a seat in the gate area to wait until it』s time to board.

Southwest Airlines gate pass 政策

提供給兒童、disability、和 military service members

Soutwest 官網鏈接>>

  • An Unaccompanied Minor (children age 5 to 11 traveling alone)
  • A person with a disability
  • Young travelers under 18
  • Family members of arriving and departing U.S. military service members who have been deployed or are being deployed


四家提供 visitor pass 機場是最靈活的了,送家人朋友只要提前申請就可以。其他機場則要看航空公司願不願意給 gate pass,主要取決於櫃檯認為乘客是否需要幫助、以及當天機場客流情況。另外記得一定要帶上自己的 photo ID。

你有過申請 gate pass 的經歷嗎?

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